Thank you for visiting our dedicated consultation website. Aberdeen City Council is seeking your views on an urban expansion proposal at Greenferns Landward, in the Newhills area to the northwest of Aberdeen.
The site is allocated in the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 as Opportunity Site OP22 and it is also part of the Newhills Expansion Area. Aberdeen City Council owns the site and is preparing an application for Planning Permission in Principle for a residential-led development of approximately 1,570 homes, a new primary school, local neighbourhood retail and commercial space, leisure and community uses, a gypsy traveller site, landscaping and open space. A detailed masterplan is also being prepared for Phase 1 of the development. A full Environmental Impact Assessment is being carried out for the site, which will inform both the application for Planning Permission in Principle and the detailed masterplan for an initial phase of the site.
This consultation seeks your views and feedback on the proposals, which will help inform both the forthcoming application for Planning Permission in Principle, which will cover the whole site, and a detailed masterplan for Phase 1. We have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice for this development to Aberdeen City Council’s Planning Service (reference 220611/PAN) and the format of this public consultation has been approved.
For more information on the site and proposed development, please see our virtual exhibition page, where you will find a virtual exhibition and details of two upcoming live consultation events.
For the first consultation event, a live chat function will be available on the exhibition page on Thursday 23rd June 2022 from 3pm-7pm, when the design team will be available to answer your questions. Then, an in-person exhibition will be held after the summer holiday period, by which time the layout and design of the proposal will be developed further taking account of initial feedback from the online consultation. This has been arranged for 3 – 7pm on Thursday 1st September at The Middlefield Community Hub, Manor Avenue, Aberdeen, AB16 7UR. All are welcome to attend and view the updates proposals and members of the design team will be available to chat to and answer queries. Opportunities to provide further feedback will be available at the in-person consultation.
We would encourage you to read through the information on this website and provide feedback before the first consultation closes on 29th July 2022. Please see our feedback page to provide comments using our feedback form. You can complete the feedback from directly through the website. Alternatively, you can download the form and send it back to us. Please send completed forms via email to or by post to Greenferns Landward Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL.
Throughout the consultation, the design team will also be available to answer your questions.
At the end of the consultation process, we will prepare a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report to summarise your feedback and explain how it has been used to influence the proposal. The PAC Report will be submitted to Aberdeen City Council’s Planning Service in support of the forthcoming application for Planning Permission in Principle.
Please remain aware that this initial virtual consultation will close on 29th July 2022. Also, please note that this website relates to the proposed development at Greenferns Landward. There is also development proposed by Aberdeen City Council on a site called Greenferns, located further to the south. Be sure to visit the dedicated Greenferns consultation website for more information on that development –